Modern Slavery Statement

As the owner and operator of PoodleHQ, my priority is to ensure the well-being of all individuals involved in the operations of my business. While the risks of modern slavery are low in the poodle news industry, I recognize my responsibility to safeguard against any potential issues in my corporate activities and supply chains.

Organisational Structure and Supply Chains
This statement covers the activities of PoodleHQ, which I established in 2021 as a leading online resource for information on poodles and doodle dog breeds. My goal with PoodleHQ is to educate people about these wonderful dogs through high-quality content and recommended products.

PoodleHQ operates solely online, with a team of poodle experts who write and manage content on our website. Our key suppliers are companies that produce poodle-related products showcased on our site. Modern slavery is not prevalent in these industries. PoodleHQ currently operates worldwide through its online presence.

Relevant Policies
To uphold the highest ethical standards, I have implemented the following policies:

Whistleblowing Policy
I encourage anyone associated with PoodleHQ to report any suspected modern slavery risks. Concerns can be privately raised with me or my team.

Supplier Code of Conduct
All suppliers must comply with my Code of Conduct prohibiting modern slavery. Regular due diligence reviews are conducted.

I strive to conduct business with integrity and transparency. People are never exploited in PoodleHQ operations.

This statement is approved by the owner and operator of PoodleHQ, Marko Ivanoski. It will be reviewed annually to ensure ongoing compliance.