Are you ready to know about another doodle?

Oh, yes, we can hear you in the background already screaming with excitement!
Go on; we’re going to share a unique designer dog today, known as the Huskydoodle.

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Yep, you’ve probably guessed it; the name stems from its two fantastic parents, the Husky and the Poodle.
Now to understand this breed, we need to look at its parent’s origins first. The Husky comes from Siberia, and it’s believed that they migrated to Alaska in 1909. The purpose of this beautiful breed was to be a sled dog for the Chukchi people of North-East Asia.
For the past 9,500 years, they’ve been living in the Arctic and became popular across other areas of the world over the following decade.
On the other hand, the Poodle came from Germany and was bred to be a water retriever to hunt ducks. When it comes to the offspring of these two epic animals, the Huskydoodle might have been around for some time, but it was first documented in the 1990s.
This hybrid breed is also commonly known as the Siberian Poodle and Siberpoo.
What Will You Learn? 👇
What does a Huskypoo look like?
Now given that the Husky Poodle is a child of two different breeds, we can’t always predict their exact features. Many Husky Poodle mixes slightly differ from one another. However, most tend to have similar qualities to a Poodle and have typical colored hair like a Husky.
Common coat colors a Huskypoo can have are black, grey, and white. On the contrary, you may find the odd Huskypoo having a coat like its Poodle Parent, and therefore colors can come in apricot, brown, and red.

Most of the time, Huskypoos don’t come in a single block color; their coat often has a range of two or three colors in it. Likewise, they can either have a double or single coat.
A Huskypoo is also renowned for its beautiful eyes, and they can either have a blue, black, or brown iris.
In addition to this, a Huskypoos size can vary a great deal. Typically, if they have a Miniature Poodle parent, their height can be between 18-22 inches for both sexes. Plus, they can weigh between 45-60 lbs. If their parent is a Standard Poodle, they can grow taller than 18 inches and weigh around 60 lbs.
Because of this difference, you will find the body structure of a Huskypoo can slightly change. For instance, the larger type of Huskypoos will have muscular front legs and back legs. In contrast, smaller dogs will have short and stumpy legs. Finally, their tail can vary depending on their parent, and either has a short stumpy tailor a curly one.
Huskeydoodle Temperament Guide
Yeah, we know the Husky and Poodle are two breeds completely on the opposite end of the spectrum. That’s why you’re probably eager and confused at the same time when it comes to knowing the Huskydoodles temperament.
Well, first of all, we’d like to highlight that this breed is perfect for humans. You can’t go wrong with their affectionate nature and eagerness to please. They’re not an aggressive breed at all, which means they’re perfect for you and your family!

Do note, though, that if you’re out for long periods of the day, they will not deal well. The Huskypoo can quickly develop separation anxiety and become clingy when around you. If they’re left for a long time on their own, they could become bored and self-destructive, chewing on your furniture and causing a mess!
Be prepared as well; if they’re bored or just wanting attention, they could inherit the same husky howl as their parent.
Huskypoos do have a lot of energy to expend and require 1-1.5 hours of exercise each day.
If they don’t get their exercise in, they can develop a stubborn attitude and become difficult to deal with. If you have a family, this dog does well with outdoor hikes or long walks in nature.
The Husky Poodle mix can become a bit hostile and aggressive towards strangers and other dogs at first. However, if they’re socialized from an early age, and the correct training is undergone, then they should settle pretty quickly.
Do huskeydoodles shed a lot?
If you ask most people about their dog preferences, they’ll usually tend to favor a certain size of dogs over the other. There are some though that do like small and big dogs.
The reason why they might sometimes prefer different sizes or breeds is for shedding purposes.
Now, if you’re one of those people reading this, you might be concerned about the shedding nature of the Huskpoo due to their husky parent.
The truth is, we can’t provide you with an honest answer to the shedding nature of the Huskpoo. Again it depends completely on what qualities they inherit from either parent!
Husky Poodles are typically bred with the intention to inherit the Poodles hypoallergenic coat, but they can be prone to taking after their Siberian Husky parent.

Therefore if you have a Huskypoo with a coat similar to poodles, they will shed minimally and be hypoallergenic. On the other hand, if it’s more like their Siberian Husky parent, prepare for shedding between each season!
Therefore this breed can be a bit unpredictable and not ideal if you suffer from allergies, just like the Samypoo, which is another doodle that can shed a lot, but if you’re looking for a similar-sized doodle that doesn’t shed then the Sheltidoodle is for you.
Likewise, as mentioned above, if it has a double coat, it will be thick and ruff. This means a lot of hairs will linger about your home when a new season comes. This is because their double coat, like their Siberian Husky Parent, is designed for cold winters, however, don’t worry though they can handle warmer weather but not too hot!
Grooming requirements for a Huskypoo
If you are an outgoing person who does not have much time on your hands, you may want another dog different from a Huskypoo. In general, this breed requires a lot of maintenance!
Do note that the grooming habits of a Huskydoodle may different depending on the coat. For example, a single coat will need less brushing, but still a few times a week to limit their coat from getting into tangles or matting.
On the contrary, if you own or plan to have a Huskypoo with a double coat, you will need to brush it daily to reduce the number of hairs it sheds. The last thing you’ll want is hairs all over your carpet and on your furniture.

You should also wash your Huskypoo every couple of months using dog shampoo and conditioner; if you do it too frequently, though, you might strip its coat of natural oils.
Plus, it would be best if you also took it to a groomer every 4-6 months. The benefit of a groomer is that they will be able to give your dog the tender love and care it deserves alongside nail clipping, thorough washing, and maintenance.
Huskypoo Health Concerns
Luckily, a Husky Poodle’s parents, both the Siberian Husky and Poodle, are healthy animals. While this may be the case for its parents, the Huskypoo can still be at risk of developing some health problems. Typical health issues it may face are:
- Cataracts: When the eye lens does not form properly across the retina, causing a loss to their vision and ultimately leading to blindness. Surgery can restore their vision.
- Patellar Luxation: When the patella in a Huskypoo’s leg moves out place causing pain and mobility problems. This can be treated through surgery, anti-inflammatory medications, and limited exercise.
- Separation Anxiety: As mentioned above, a Husky Poodle mix is prone to developing separation anxiety if left for long periods on its own. The best way to stop this from happening is to spend more time with your dog and always make sure someone is home.
- Progressive Renal Atrophy: Where genetic diseases target the eye and quickly cause the retina to degenerate.
- Skin irritation: If a Huskydoodle inherits a coat like its Husky parent, it can be prone to getting certain skin infections. A common one is zinc responsive dermatosis.
This is where a Huskypoo does not get enough zinc, and as a result, its skin can become infected. Treatment usually requires a course of antibiotics.
How much does a husky poodle mix cost
Before you buy any Huskypoo, do note that this breed is incredibly difficult to locate. They’re rare in themselves and when they are available, expect to pay anything from $800 upwards.
However, the price can increase even more depending on where you’re located, the breeder’s reputation, and if their parents are a pedigree.
Always be prepared for getting a new dog; you don’t want just to save enough to buy a Husky Poo outright. Be prepared to pay vet bills, food, items, toys, and more when owning this breed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you feed a Huskypoo?
Most Huskydoodles require around 2 cups of dry kibble a day; this is the equivalent of 800 calories. Make note they may be prone to some allergies. If your Huskypoo shows signs of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or anything usual after food, take it to a vet. It may require specialized formula type food.
What is the life expectancy of a Huskypoo?
A Huskypoo, if healthy, can live up to 12-15 years.
Are Huskypoos good with kids?
Yes, the affectionate personality of a Huskypoo makes them great with children. If you do have small children, gradually introduce the Huskypoo to them and make sure they’re supervised while playing.

Marko is the founder and author at PoodleHQ, where he blends profound expertise with formal training in Animal Behavior and Canine Genetics. With multiple generations of poodles under his care, he’s a breed connoisseur, honored with the Canine Care Excellence Award and lauded by the International Pet Enthusiasts Association.