Poodles are often thought of as a good breed for people with allergies because they have hair instead of fur.

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Poodles have hair and not fur
Poodles have hair and not fur like most dogs. They’re actually one of the select few breeds that have hair. Their coat consists of a single layer that’s extremely close to being hypoallergenic, meaning it hardly sheds. It’s also believed their hair can respond and adapt to hormonal changes to their body, exactly like human hair does!
Most of the time the hair on their coat continues to grow over time and hardly ever falls out in clumps or in large amounts. The only time you’ll really see this happening is when a Poodle is stressed, has underlying health issues are going through hormonal changes. In this context, if they had fur it would only grow to a certain length and then will fall off and shed. The hair of a Poodle tends to be silky and function like yours and mine.

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Is poodle hair like human hair?
Poodle hair is very similar to human hair in many ways. It is extremely fine and can be quite curly.
What is the difference between fur and hair?

Simply looking at a Poodle at first glance, you might be curious to know the difference. In fact, you may be skeptical even to think there is a variation. As when you brush it, there’s not a noticeable difference to the eyes.
But, there are actually subtle distinctions between the two and a lot of nuances. However in general they are mainly the same in terms of their identity, as they’re both made from a protein compound called keratin. The major difference between the two is the density.
Moreover hair constantly grows and does not fall out in large parts. On the contrary fur only grows to a certain length then must shed.
Texture differences
The key difference between the two is that fur on a dog tends to consist of a double layer whereas a Poodles with hair will have a single layer.
Out of the two types, hair is a lot smoother and can grow to longer lengths, pretty much as long as you wish for it to grow. Moreover, a Poodles hair type can vary either being wavy, curly or straight. Due to the different types of hair they have, it’s important that you pay strict attention to their hair and groom them accordingly as it can easily become tangled attracting a lot of dirt and debris.
On the contrary, dogs who have a fur coat will have both a top coat and undercoat. The two coats will produce a thick furry feeling. Because of this, fur tends to be a lot shorter and denser than hair. The reason behind this, is that their skin requires more follicles to ensure the fur grows properly.
The fur undercoat is often soft and fine, which helps regulate a dogs body temperature to achieve homeostasis during different seasons. It’s not always guaranteed that dogs will have this double coat, but it’s particularly common for dogs who have fur. Also, fur tends to shed
Growth cycle differences between fur and hair

There is a major difference between hair and fur. To help you understand, it’s best you look at their growth cycles. But mainly, the growth cycle of a Poodle is a lot shorter as the hair hardly ever sheds. Both hair and fur have to pass through the same stages at growth, but they grow at different speeds.
- Anagen: In this stage, the follicles become active and start to develop.
- Catagen: Next, the root sheath starts to bond with their hair and the growth stops.
- Telogen: This is known as the dormant phase, where their hair does not grow or shed.
- Exogen: The last phase of the cycle is exogen, where a Poodles hair sheds from the follicle.
Looking at the growth cycle, the main phase that stands out the most between hair and fur is anagen. This is because hair requires additional time in this period, which slows the whole growth cycle down. However, dogs who have fur undergo this process a lot quicker, shedding more and maintaining a healthy coat.
how fast does poodle hair grow
Poodles’ hair will grow, on average, anywhere from 4 to 8 inches. Many factors play into this, such as good food and nutrition, but also genetics.
Allergies to Poodle Hair vs. Dog Fur
One of the main reasons there’s a lot of debate between hair and fur in the dog world is due to the topic of allergens. A lot of people tend to believe that dogs who have hair instead of fur have less allergens and trigger few allergies in people.
But, this is not always accurate as it’s not always the cause of allergens. In fact, there are other things that could cause an emotional response in dog owners or others in the same household, such as:
- Saliva
- Dander
- Chemical compounds on their skin
- Dog’s urine
- Dust or pollen in the coat
Poodles Hair: Is It Better Than Fur For People With Allergies?

It’s not always guaranteed that a Poodles coat will have fewer allergens. But the main reason people praise its coat is that the hair can quickly and easily trap dander.
The downside of this is that their coat does not shed and if you’re non on top of their grooming requirements, it could easily cause a flare-up if you or someone else suffers from allergies associated with danders.
Conversely, dog fur sheds regularly and can cause the dander that clings onto it, to linger all over your home. If the dog sheds a lot, it could make your allergies worse and difficult to remove as the hair might be all over your home. Therefore, it’s not their hair or fur, it’s the dander and protein compounds on their skin that can cause you to have watery eyes, itchy skin and sneeze from time to time.
Do any dogs have hair instead of fur?
There are more than 36 breeds of dogs that have hair instead of fur. Many of them are registered with the American Kennel Club.
Some of the most popular breeds that have hair instead of fur include:
- the Bichon Frise,
- Maltese,
- Lhasa Apso,
- Shih Tzu,
- and Yorkshire Terrier.
These breeds are all considered non-shedding, which means they are less likely to cause allergies in people.

Fun Facts
- when a female poodle is pregnant, she may experience hair loss and hair thinning due to hormonal changes in her body, especially after giving birth.
- Poodles require regular grooming and bath to assist in the removal of dirt, grime, ingrown hairs, and dead hair or skin.
- Poodle puppies have very soft, wavy hair as opposed to the adult’s thick and curly coat.
- In order for poodles to compete as show dogs, they need one of these hair styles: English Saddle, Continental Clip, or the Modified Continental Clip.

Marko is the founder and author at PoodleHQ, where he blends profound expertise with formal training in Animal Behavior and Canine Genetics. With multiple generations of poodles under his care, he’s a breed connoisseur, honored with the Canine Care Excellence Award and lauded by the International Pet Enthusiasts Association.